Ever since the Misawa Homes Group was founded, we have strived to develop the most advanced technologies based on original ideas, always aiming at making world-first, Japan-first, or industry-first breakthroughs.In a wide range of business activities, we have deployed these technologies to solve social and environmental problems.
In October 2020, the Japanese government declared its goal of becoming “Carbon Neutral by 2050.” Japan's private sector*1 accounts for approximately 30% of the country's final energy consumption. Consequently, there are growing expectations and demands on the housing industry to reduce energy consumption through initiatives in terms of both tangible and intangible aspects.Misawa Homes aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, by promoting the widespread adoption of ZEHs*2 and LCCM*3 housing in its new construction projects, as well as by reducing CO2 emissions through its existing home business, community development, and other enterprises.
*1 Includes both household and commercial sectors *2 Zero Energy House *3 Life Cycle Carbon Minus
The Paris Agreement was concluded in 2015 to address the global challenge of climate change. Its long-term common goal for the world is to limit global warming to well below 2°C, and preferably to 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels.The agreement also aims at achieving a balance between anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from emission sources and the removal of GHGs by sinks in the second half of the century.
The world is now at work to realize these objectives, with more than 120 countries and regions committed to the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.
To achieve carbon neutrality, it is essential to both reduce GHG emissions and conserve and enhance natural resources that absorb emissions.
*1 Mainland 90% Hokkaido 70%
Reusing existing building structures and extending building life
Constructing facilities using wooden panels
In July 2021, Misawa Homes announced the completion of the “Green Infrastructure Model,” a concept home that “shows the way to a sustainable future.”
The Misawa Homes Group has accumulated extensive research and developments on environmentally friendly homes that offer pioneering solutions to social needs.In 1998, we launched the world’s first zero-energy home. Then in 2010, we released our LCCM “Eco Flagship Model,” an even more energy-efficient home designed with an eye on 2030.Today, we are confronted with increasingly severe natural disasters, anxieties about pandemics, and ever more complex social issues, such as the growing number of vacant houses.At the same time, lifestyles are becoming more and more diverse, with a growing proportion of households consisting of singles, elderly people living alone, and dual-income couples.To address these social challenges and fulfill the need for different lifestyles, it is vital to propose lifestyles that are sustainable—not just in terms of energy—as well as multidimensional. We also want to offer homes that transcend the conventional concepts of what a home should be.The technology we develop from verification testing in this concept home will help us develop new solutions to meet these challenges.